Thursday, January 29, 2009

The crowd was cheering
Spirits soaring very high.
It was Obama.

While not everyone was at Inaugural ’09, and might not have been together physically, we were ALL together in our hearts.

Barack Obama had been inaugurated.

This moment was too big for words. Martin Luther King’s dream was coming true.
We, students at a DC Public School, witnessed this great moment – whether we saw it on TV, heard it on the radio, or were actually there. Either way, it was an amazing experience.
If you weren’t there, we’ll fill you in:

Imagine two million people packed onto the National Mall. All honored to be there. All gathered for one purpose. Crammed together like too many ants on a cookie. But when the event actually started, we knew that it was worth the wait.

It was the inauguration of our lives.

Below are our inauguration experiences.

My whole inaugural weekend was amazing. My family was hosting friends from
Rhode Island, who had come down just for the inauguration. With them being avid
Obama fans, positive energy flowed through our house like water flows out of a
waterfall. (Of course, our family contributed to that energy also).
On Sunday, we went down to the Opening Ceremonies. My mom had
the brilliant idea to take the Circulator, a Georgetown bus, down to the mall.
This was efficient, and got us to our destination only a little late. (My dad
was very disappointed that we missed most of “The Rising”, though). And while
definitely not the actual Inaugural, this event did have some of that
electricity buzzing through the air. You could feel people heating up for
Tuesday, a warm glow radiating off of everybody.

The concert took place at the Lincoln Memorial, which I thought was very
fitting. For one, it was where MLK gave his “I Have a Dream” speech, and since
Lincoln freed the slaves and Obama is African American…it just seemed
At the concert, we saw celebrities such as Bruce
Springsteen, Stevie Wonder, Jon Bon Jovi, U2, etc. etc. perform. But the best
part of it had to be when Obama gave a small speech. To know that you were
actually there, only a little way away from where he was actually speaking, was
almost mind-boggling. And even though I wasn’t able to see him a lot on the big
screen, his words washed over me, a wave about to hit the ocean

Also, we got to walk down the closed Washington
streets showing off all our Obama-ware – it was very satisfying!
All and all, this was truly an historic moment. And I don’t
mean the historic in your history books – I mean the times when every one of us
can feel good about the image that we have shown to other nations on
Inauguration Day. I mean the times when we break away from our old ways.

I, for one, felt very honored to be able to witness
this beautiful, wonderful moment. And I am glad that I took a mental picture of
the scene, strapped it down into my brain and will never forget

Amazing. Joyful. Historic. Inspirational. Great in every way.
Peaceful. Free. Hopeful. Obama’s Inaugural ’09.

- Emma

Obama’s Inauguration for Sam
The drummer drummed. We
walked through the street. Finally we got there. I Sam (last name), was at an
historic event; one that will be marked down in history books; an event of our
first African-American president getting inaugurated. Barack Obama is his name.
I might have been standing behind the monument, but I was still there. People
walked out of the capitol. People gave speeches. But then Vice President Biden
was sworn in. The cheering was very loud. After the cheering was over, I sat
down and ate pretzel chips. Later, louder cheering happened. Well I shouldn’t
say loud. It was very, very, very, very, very loud. OBAMA WAS
PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was bliss. There was no way I could be the
tiniest bit sad. I loved it. Just plain loved it.

The Inauguration

On Tuesday 20th January 2009, Mr. Barack Hossen
Obama was sworn in as the president of the United States of

I watched it on TV. It took place at the National Mall in
front of the Capitol. It was a very cold day and over 2 million people came. My
mother said there was no way we were going there.
It was weird: Barack Obama looked like he didn’t know what he had to
say. He
said “I, Barack Hossen Obama will” and stopped and waited for the
Chief Justice
to say something. After that we read in the newspaper that he
had to retake the
oath because the words were not in the right

I think it is
good he is elected because his mother is
white and his father is black, his
sister is Asian, he lived in Indonesia
and his father is Muslim. He has also
been adopted by a Native American
couple. “The one who helps people in this
land” is his “crow” name. He is
also Christian, unlike his

But I don’t really care


How I Spent My Inauguration

For the Inauguration I did what millions of others did, I walked down to the Mall. I woke up bright and early at 5:30 and then went to get my parents up. Everybody bundled up. We finally left the house at about 9:15-9:20. Then we walked a few blocks and stopped at a bus stop. We rode the bus down to the third street tunnel where we hopped off and walked through the tunnel. In the tunnel my Mom got out the video camera and got people to cheer. When we got out we went to L’Enfant Plaza to rest. Then we started up again and we made it. I got scared at one point because the crowds were so jammed and I felt like we would never make it. When we got home I was glad.

The Inauguration was amazing. I thought that there would never be a colored president but I was wrong. When this happened I thought I was dreaming. I felt very happy and glad about it. When I was on my way back trying to find a bus to take home I thought we would never find one. I felt so cold on that day. Even though I didn’t see anything and I could only hear things at the Inauguration I witnessed history. I witnessed America becoming one.


My inauguration

When I saw the inauguration most of my thoughts were based on the crowd of people standing around freezing. I also thought about the fact that slaves built the capitol dome where Obama was standing. And now descendent of those people has power over the whole country.

During or after the inauguration I felt proud to have witnessed an historical moment that will be passed down through generations. The main thing I felt is that the world will have a drastic change with this man. That was my inauguration experience.


My Inauguration Adventure
When I went to the Inauguration I was really excited. My mom and dad were at the private prayer service at St. John’s Church. My brother and I were with our friends Adam and Sharee and an old Civil Rights Leader named Dr. Vincent Harding. We had purple tickets and were trying to get to the gate to meet up with our parents. It took us three hours in the crowd but when we finally got in, we felt so happy to be free so we could walk and see Barack Obama become the President of The United States and hear his Inaugural Speech. Dr. Harding was so happy that he made it for this amazing moment. While we were waiting in the crowd we met old friends and they helped us get through it. Somebody else had a stroke; a lot of people gave up hope and left the line which was about 3 blocks long. When I got to the purple gate I looked back and saw how short the line really was and I felt a little bit angry and a little bit lucky. The weather was so cold. We had to wrap in sleeping bags, wore 5 layers, and even wore 3 coats. We also used hand warmers.


On the Day of Inauguration I felt like the world was changing and it was becoming history.  I was crying when Obama read his speech.  I felt good that we now have a black president.  I feel that Obama is going to change things that some presidents never changed. On that day my Grandparents and my parents were crying because they thought that they would never see this day come.  I was amazed at their facial expressions because they were so happy. 
The Inauguration was a very great thing to everybody. The news said that no one was fighting, everyone was just so happy.  A lot of people came from everywhere.  I saw this lady from Australia. On the way there I saw a lot of people and when I got there I saw even more people. Now people are happy everywhere. They think Obama is going to change things. People think Obama is just for black people but he is here for everybody.

How I Spent the Inauguration
On Tuesday I spent my time at home watching it on TV. Once I saw it I felt so happy that I bought an Obama hat to go with the Inauguration.  I thought that the Inauguration  was all about the president moving into the White House but now I know that they celebrate a new beginning of a very new president.  The first time I ever saw the Inauguration was really this one and now I know what it's all about.  I am surprised that this was the first African-American elected to be president. I am shocked - but in a nice way.  I witnessed a lot of things before but not today. It was the best moment in history.  In my defense I would say that from all of the presidents we have had I think that Obama will make a very wonderful president. When I saw the Inauguration on TV. I just wished that I was there because I would get a lot of pictures of our future President.  that was the best moment in my life and I hope that it stays that way and Obama will be president for a very long time.
On the day of the Inauguration I was home watching Obama become president.  I knew this moment was huge. When I went to the grocery store I saw mugs, t-shirts, and even a cake of Barak Obama. The store had a TV and most people in the store gathered and watched Obama in his car. When I got back home I heard my Mom talk about Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream and how it came true. My dad said he never thought a moment like this would come. I thought about his Inauguration and how important it was compared to the others. I also thought about telling my grandchildren I witnessed history and how amazed they would be.

What I Experienced at the Inauguration

I watched the Inauguration from the Jumbo-Tron at the Washington Monument. When I was there I felt excited and happy.  I felt this way because I was going to see the first African-American President sworn in. I also felt this way because I am a supporter of Barak Obama.

I thought that this was an historic event that would be remembered for years. I also thought it was a very funny moment when people booed former President Bush when his face appeared on the screen. I also thought that people seemed happier when President Obama was taking the oath of office. I thought that it was a great day.

I witnessed thousands of people coming from all over the United States to see the Inauguration, Vice President Biden being sworn in, President Obama giving his Inaugural speech, and President and Mrs. Obama walking in the parade.



  1. Hi!
    This is Toby's friend Tessie from Sweden. It's fun to read your homepage =)
    I wish I could have been at the inauguration!

  2. Wow, I wish I was there to see the Inauguration! It really was a moment in history that I think no one will ever forget! Awesome posts :)

