Thursday, February 26, 2009

Our Science Fair

Our Science Fair

Last Monday, the fourth, fifth and sixth graders of our school participated in a Science Fair. All of the students worked very hard on their projects – and their hard work really paid off.
During the Science Fair, each student’s project had to be judged at least twice. The judging consisted of explaining your hypothesis, procedure, results and conclusion to the judges and answering their questions. The judges were mainly neighborhood parents, etc.

Although every project was great, there were only three winners in each grade. In fifth grade, Toby, Sam and Luke of OUR class got third place!!! Their project involved trying to see which modern day astronomical instruments would give them the best idea of what Galileo saw when he observed the moon 400 years ago.

Everyone agrees that all the projects on display were very interesting (although some seemed to be pulled together at the last minute). However, a couple people think that some projects were very similar to last year’s, making the Science Fair a lot less exciting.

Now, a quote from Toby, who received third place: “I was afraid that we hadn’t gotten a place, but I think that we deserved third.” (We think you did, Toby, although you should’ve spent a little more time on your project!)

Overall, the 2009 Science Fair was a success. Although not everyone won, we all enjoyed constructing our experiments and learned A LOT; whether it was about Galileo, friction, or memory…it was all very exciting.

Thanks for reading!

Emma, Toby, Mary May, Indiyah and Kameron

1 comment:

  1. i remember when i had a science fair at my school in 4th grade :) awesome :) good job guys :)
